About Us

Our Story

New Beginnings Farm Place is a dream, but one we are committed to making come true.
It begins with the land, which will be located in Rockingham County, NC. This is a new startup, and we are seeking the funding to buy a farm, and develop it into a place that will encourage the art of farming well into the future. This will be a woman-owned, disability-owned business with both situations being an integral part of the project. The Hardman’s bring a wealth of expertise and leadership to the table; they believe in collaborative efforts between the farm and the community as they continuously take extensive measures to protect and restore the ecosystem in which their farm will operate. They’re goal is to work hand in hand with the community in creating a sustainable fish farm. Homesteading will be an important aspect of the farm’s mission, as it allows them to be self-sufficient and connect with the land in a meaningful way. The construction of the new pond will not only provide a valuable recreational resource for the community, but it will also serve as a means of growing fish and other aquatic life. This will enable the farm environment to produce food, and improve overall food security. Additionally, it will provide a valuable educational opportunity for community members to learn about sustainable fish farming practices and the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems. This new pond will be an essential part of our homesteading journey and we look forward to sharing this experience with our community.

Farming and Societal Development

The advent of farming was thus a pivotal step in societal evolution. It profoundly changed how humans organised themselves and interacted with the environment. The stable food supply liberated communities from nomadic lifestyles dominated by hunting and foraging. This facilitated new forms of social organisation, specialisation of labour and technological innovation
The advent of farming was thus a pivotal step in societal evolution. It profoundly changed how humans organised themselves and interacted with the environment. The stable food supply liberated communities from nomadic lifestyles dominated by hunting and foraging. This facilitated new forms of social organisation, specialisation of labour and technological innovation
However, large-scale farming also brought challenges. Clearing forests for agricultural land and overusing fields could lead to soil erosion, encouraging expansion into new areas. Major ancient civilisations ultimately collapsed or migrated when overexploitation made the land unviable. This underscores the need for sustainable approaches even from the earliest days of farming


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